
28 May 2013

The Beauty Guru Tag!

Hi lovelies! In case you couldn't tell, I've been pretty obsessed with tags lately. I think they are just super fun and a great way for you guys to get to know me better, and for me to get to know my fellow bloggers better as well! This tag in particular is great because it includes a lot of questions that I get asked on a regular basis anyway, so now I'm just covering them for everyone to see on one handy post!

By the way, I got the tag from the wonderful Missglamorazzi! And with that being said, let's go ahead and get started!

25 May 2013

Get Cute Jewelry, Give Back to Those Less Fortunate! ♥

Hey girlies! Today I really wanted to talk to you about a recent opportunity I received to be a brand ambassador for the incredible Reecie B. Jewelry. At first glance, it simply looks like an online shop that sells cute, affordable jewelry, but they are so much more that that. For every purchase you make on their website, a portion goes to missions and other humanitarian projects. One of the biggest causes Reecie B. supports is a rescue home in Thailand that saves children from sex-trafficking and provides them with food and shelter. And as if that wasn't incredible enough, starting in August you'll have an option at checkout to choose a charity close to your heart that you'd like a portion of your purchase to go towards.

I talk about shopping a lot on this site, and I am just as guilty as anyone else of getting wrapped up in material things at times. However, no great bargain on shoes or coupon code for cosmetics will ever compare to the feeling you get from doing good for someone else. What I love about Reecie B. is that you can get these adorable pieces of jewelry for great prices, and know that at the same time you are also making a difference in someone's life. I hope that you'll all take a moment to go on Reecie B.'s website, browse their jewelry, and read more on what their cause is all about.

Here's a quick look at some of my favorite pieces from Reecie B.'s collection:

20 May 2013

How-To: Highlight and Contour Like a Model!

Hi lovelies! Today I'm going to be sharing one of my favorite makeup tricks with you guys- highlighting and contouring! What is highlighting and contouring you may ask? It's a technique used by nearly every celebrity, model, and industry professional designed to bring light to certain features on your face while creating a shadow effect on others. Essentially, the goal is to create an illusion with makeup that draws attention to specific areas while diminishing the look of others. 

Once you've mastered the basics of highlight and contour, you can make your nose smaller, your cheekbones more defined, your eyes brighter, and so much more. Basically, by the time we're done here you're going to look like you came straight off the runway! So without further adieu, let's get started!

16 May 2013

The Best Sites to Shop for Chic and Affordable Home Decor!

I have some really exciting news to share with you guys- I'll be getting my first ever apartment this Fall! Words cannot even express how excited I am to finally move out on my own and have my own space! And of course, this new apartment will be the perfect excuse to go on some serious home decor hauls!

As you guys know, it's always my mission to find the best deals out there, and that definitely does not stop when it comes to this stuff! I've been doing a lot of investigating around the internet to find online stores that sell home decor that is both cute and budget-friendly. And let me tell you, it's not as easy as you'd think! I feel like I have a pretty good list for you guys though, I hope it helps anyone else out there who is moving into a new place or just sprucing up wherever they are living now!

07 May 2013

My Favorite e.l.f. Products!

I think every girl has that one makeup brand that just has a special place in her heart. And for me, that brand is most definitely e.l.f. Cosmetics! I've been using e.l.f. products for years now and I have just found so many items that I absolutely cannot live without and very few that I haven't liked. The best thing about e.l.f. is that they are so affordable you can really just stock up and experiment with all different products without breaking the bank.

That's why I've decided to put together a list for you guys of all my favorite e.l.f. makeup! Keep in mind, if I include every e.l.f. product I have used and liked on this list, you guys would seriously be here reading for the next year. So I'm going to try and narrow it down to the absolute best of the best! If you want to know my opinion on any products I don't mention in this post, just leave a comment for me down below and I will be sure to let you know what I think!

03 May 2013

The Liebster Award!

So a few days ago I was nominated for the Liebster Award by the wonderful Emily at My Favorite Day, thanks girl! I think this is such an amazing idea and a great way to really bring the blogging community together and introduce you guys to new blogs! Whoever started this tag, go you!

Anyways, let's go ahead and begin!

01 May 2013

My Favorite Things ♥ April 2013

Happy May 1st! I am so excited that the weather is finally starting to warm up around me! Summer is almost here, I can feel it! And of course, with the passing of another month I have a whole bunch of products that I've been loving, and I want to share them with you guys! I have quite a few beauty products I've been wearing pretty much nonstop, and as usual a few other random obsessions thrown in. So let's go ahead and jump into everything!
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