
02 January 2017

Life Update! Working for a Cosmetics Company and Starting a New Business

Hi lovelies! I know blog posts lately have been far and few between, but life has been pretty crazy. I have so much I want to share with you all, so let's get started!

In August, I landed a job working for AmazingCosmetics. For those of you that aren't familiar with the brand, they are a complexion-focused cosmetics company that is sold on the shelves of Sephora and Ulta. Needless to saythis is basically my dream come true! I started at AmazingCosmetics as a Social Media Assistant, but I've recently been promoted to Social Media and Marketing Coordinator. So basically, I now spend my days on the other side of social media and influencer marketing. I feel very lucky to have this opportunity! If you'd like to know more about how I landed the job or my role at the company, let me know in the comments. I'd be happy to do another post dedicated to answering your questions!

When I'm not working my 9-5, you'll probably find me managing my new Etsy shopNoisette Print Co. As you all know by now, I've always believed that looking chic shouldn't cost a fortune. When I was decorating for my apartment, I struggled to find affordable decor that didn't look cheap. That's what inspired me to start my new business. I've created a collection of stylish prints without the high mark-up. In fact, everything in my shop is under $2! It would mean the world if all of my OG Sparkle & Mine girls would go visit my shop and show it some love. Even if you don't want to purchase, you can simply favorite my prints and share them on social with the hashtag #NoisetteGirl to spread the word. I'll be on the lookout and ready to follow, retweet, or comment!

And that's my life in a nutshell right now. I've missed you all tons, so please catch me up on your lives or leave blog post requests in the comments below!


  1. Hey love!
    Just wanted to say that I'm so excited to see this post and I love your blog!!!
    I was wondering if you could explain how you got your awesome new job. I'm looking into social media jobs like the one you have (as I'm graduating next semester), but I'm not sure how to go about it. I'm a Theater major, but I'm trying to see how to tailor my degree to social media. Could you talk about your hiring process and what skills you'd recommend knowing for anyone who wants to go down that career path?
    Thanks so much for the awesome post and keep up the good work, girl!

  2. Hi Shatece! I sure can :) I've gotten a few other questions so I'll try to do a Q&A this weekend!


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