
22 January 2017

Reader Q&A

Hi loves! Lately I've been getting a lot of questions about my career, my blog, and my life in general. So I thought I'd take some time to cover some of your most frequently asked questions in one post.

How did you land a job in social media? Could you talk about your hiring process and what skills you'd recommend knowing for anyone who wants to go down that career path?

You know, sometimes I still cannot believe I landed a job at AmazingCosmetics! I still find myself having those pinch-me moments as I'm going about my work day. However, as much as it was partially just luck and timing, I'd like to think there was also some strategy and skill involved. If you want to get into the social media space, the first step is to get your degree in marketing, PR, advertising, communications, or something similar that will teach you the fundamentals. While you're in school, also be sure to take on as many internships and networking opportunities as you possibly can. There are so many candidates looking to fill any and every social media job, you need to do something to set yourself apart. For me, that "it factor" was my blog. Find your something special and be sure to play it up as much as you can whenever you can.

On that note, I would highly recommend diversifying your skills as much as possible. I missed out on quite a few opportunities because I didn't have the experience in graphic design, photography, SEO, or html coding that some of my peers did. This is not to say that any of those skills are needed to get a job in the field, but they will certainly increase your chances of landing some social media positions.

Okay, so let's get back to my story. Once I graduated from college, I immediately hit the ground running and began applying for anything and everything I could in my industry. My ultimate dream was to do social media for a cosmetics company, so one of the first things I did was research all companies in Chicago. AmazingCosmetics was one of the first ones to pop up, so I immediately reached out to them and asked if they had any openings. Aaaand...they never replied.

So life moved on. I kept applying, and got quite a few interviews. Summer was coming to an end, and nothing had panned out. Just as I was beginning to lose hope, I saw a Craigslist ad for a Social Media Assistant job at AmazingCosmetics. I sent in my resume, had an interview a few days later, and was hired that very same day.

I started out as a part-time assistant working 20 hours a week. Of course, every recent grad wants the full-time salaried job straight out of school, but I recognized that this was a stepping stone that could lead to bigger things. And that, my dear readers, is the biggest lesson to take out of this long and winding story. Do not rule anything out. Say yes to any and every opportunity that comes your way. Use Craigslist for something other than finding a missed connection or buying a used mattress. I cannot tell you how many people told me I was a fool to take a part-time job. I cannot count on both hands how many people told me I was nuts to look for jobs on Craigslist. I promise it's not so gross in the job section. I digress. I paid my dues and proved my worth to the company, and about four months later I received a promotion. And the rest is history!

Why don't you post as often anymore?
Short answer: I have a full-time job.

Long answer: My career takes up the majority of my time. I spend every day living and breathing beauty and social media, so when I do get a moment to myself, I kind of want to shut that part of my brain off for a bit.

Also, my main source of blog traffic in the past, Pinterest, has made a lot of mistakes changes. And because of all of their "updates," no one can see my pins. I'll leave it at that. It can get frustrating, because I often feel as though I am talking to an empty room when I publish a blog post. Which motivates me even less to do so. I try to publish when I can though, even if it is just seen by a few loyal readers. You guys are the ones I continue posting for!

Will you do an updated drugstore dupes or one-brand favorites post?
These posts have been by far the most loved and requested on the blog! I still get new views and comments all the time, and I so appreciate all of the support. I will definitely try to get a new drugstore dupes post going! I can't make any promises timing-wise, but it will happen sooner or later!

Do you still live in your apartment from the last home tour? Can we get an updated tour?
No, I do not. That was just a college apartment while I was away at school in Michigan, so the lease ended after the year was up. I miss that apartment though! As of now I am back home living with my family, as they are fairly close to my office and it allows me to save up money. I promise you, a tour of my parent's house would not be very exciting or inspiring. When I do buy a home of my own, you all will be the first to know! I'm already saving decor inspiration, so expect some fun posts when it does happen!

That does it for this Q&A. If you have any more questions, leave them in the comments below!

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